- EASTPAK双肩包京东旗舰店:https://mall.jd.com/index-120262.html
- EASTPAK双肩包天猫旗舰店:https://eastpak.tmall.com
We’re built to resist whatever life throws at us, to express ourselves as individuals, and inspire positive resistance. We support teams and individuals that stand up for what’s right, fight hard for positive change, and speak out for inclusion and diversity. We express ourselves with the bags we carry and the positive movements we support, empowering each other to question the rules and defy boundaries and conformity to make the world a better, more inclusive place to live.
自 1952 年开始生产 Eastern Canvas Products 以来,我们一直在生产经久耐用的产品,为美国军方制造耐用的装备。从那时起,我们推出了 30 年有限保修,让我们的包袋发挥其潜力。
首创将坚韧的杜邦专利布料Codura (柯杜拉)与背包合二为一,EASTPAK,此外也吸收了多国知名潮流派设计师不断推出联名系列,滑冰。
多年来,我们重新定义了包袋和行李箱设计的规则。当我们寻求新的挑战来破坏我们永恒的设计时,我们保持真实并与我们的主张保持一致。我们标志性的 Padded Pak’r 背包历经几代保持不变,但我们继续在我们的创意合作中对其进行重新构想。